890 Results

Listing: Legal Firms
This listing of legal firms is to assist in all areas of access, housing rights, and disputes for people with a disability in Chicago and neighboring areas including organizations such as Access Living and Equip for Equality that advocate for civil rights of all.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Listing: Trust and Lifecare Planning
This is a listing for securing the future of a child with special needs or older relative who has a disability requires careful legal, benefits, and financial planning, and consultation with experts who can guide the family in making the best decisions.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Listing: Cancer Resources for Patients and Families
The listing of cancer resources consists of information on resources related to diagnosis, treatment, and next stages.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Listing: Aphasia Resources
Aphasia is a loss of words, not intelligence. Aphasia can occur as a result of a stroke, traumatic or non-traumatic brain injury, or an infection. All these conditions or injuries may affect the area of the brain that is responsible for speech and language. This listing provides consumer health resources for persons living with Aphasia and/or their loved ones.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Listing: Burn Injury Resources
This list of resources will help support people who have sustained a burn injury to find information regarding their condition, supportive peer communities, and associations involved in research.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Listing: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Resources
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a nervous system disease that weakens muscles and impacts physical function.
LifeCenter Item

Listing: Dementia, Alzheimer's and Aging Resources
This is a listing of dementia, and cognitive decline resources to support people with Alzheimer's, and or Dementia with aging, research and foundations.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Listing: Diabetes Resources
This list of resources will support someone navigate a new and ongoing diagnosis of diabetes including limb loss, type 1 and type 2 diabetes myelitis for children and adults.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Listing: Home Modification Contractors, Vendors and Funding
This listing of home modification resources supplies business contractors, vendors and certified aging in place specialists CAPS to assist in your changing home environment needs, including home financial options for people in Chicago.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item