890 Results

Spinal Cord Injury: Tendon Transfer Surgery
Tendons are the part of the body that connects muscle to bone. Tendon transfer reconstructive surgery is a procedure used to improve strength in the wrist and hand for people who have weakness due to a spinal cord injury
Media Type
Info SheetLifeCenter Item

Complications: Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is commonly known as a blood clot. Blood clots may occur in someone who has had an injury or illness, is unable to move around as before
Media Type
Info SheetLifeCenter Item

Spinal Cord Injury Complications: Orthostatic Hypotension
Orthostatic or postural hypotension is a sudden drop in blood pressure caused by moving from a lying to a sitting or standing position. It often occurs after spending a long time in bed and then suddenly getting up.
Media Type
Info SheetLifeCenter Item

Preventing Swelling, Edema, and Contractures in Decreased Activity
Swelling in the legs and arms is very common after being unable to move them. This swelling (edema) is caused from fluid building up in the legs and arms due to slowed circulation.
Media Type
Info SheetLifeCenter Item

Spinal Cord Injury Complications: Temperature Regulation
Problems with temperature regulation happen in people with cervical and high thoracic spinal cord injuries. Body temperature may
Media Type
Info SheetLifeCenter Item

Infection Prevention - Hand Washing and Your Health
These resources will assist patients, families, and visitors in infection preventing and control. Examples of steps to promote health, and take charge of infection control are provided in this resource as well as sources to consult for more information.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

National Institutes of Health- NIH
This NIH resource covers all the many areas that National Institute of Health governs and takes care of to help people live healthy lives. The National Institutes of Health is made up of 27 different components called Institutes and Centers.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Listing: Vision Loss or Low Vision Resources
This list of resources will assist people who have vision loss to find support and tools to better their lives.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Safety Tips to Prevent Falls at Home
There are many things to help prevent falls in the home. This guide can assist in identifying potential risk factors and provide useful suggestions.
Media Type
Info SheetLifeCenter Item

Disability Owned Business Program
This link to the IL department provides business owners a discount with the DOBE or business enterprise program
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item