890 Results

Friedman Place
Friedman Place is an assisted lifestyle community in Chicago for blind and visually impaired adults where self determination and independence are encouraged.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Lupus Society of Illinois
The Lupus Society of Illinois provides education and promotes awareness of lupus.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Listing: Parkinson's Disease - Resources
There are many Parkinson's Disease community resources that can assist you in learning about the disease, other movement disorders, general medical issues, the latest research, and local support groups.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Listing: Youth with Disabilities Community Resources in Chicago
This select group of agencies provides support to parents of children with a disability in the Chicago area.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Residential Disabled Parking Signs - Chicago
A person with a disability may apply to have a restricted parking space created in front of their home in Chicago, IL.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Listing: Accessible Fitness Centers
Each of the centers below provides an array of health, fitness, and sports programs for people with physical disabilities.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Information on augmentative communication for children and young people
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

National Organization on Disability- NOD
The National Organization on Disability focuses on increasing employment opportunities for the 80-percent of working-age Americans with disabilities who are not employed.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
The United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Chicago and Sequin Services have merged to provide services to advance the independence of children and adults with disabilities, enrich their lives, provide support to their families, and advocate for their inclusion in every facet of community life.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item

Disability Parking Placard and License Plates - Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin
Obtaining a disability parking placard for Midwestern States
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item