313 Results
Living with Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury - Reflections
Living with a severe disability for over 26 years has provided many useful insights. David Farber, TBI and SCI survivor, and nature photographer shares his personal reflection upon his 55th birthday.
Media Type
Info SheetLifeCenter Item
Listing: Agencies for Housing Resources
A listing of housing options for people with disabilities looking for accessible housing. Agencies also serve the homeless.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item
Listing: Stop Smoking - Cessation
This list of resources will aid people in how to stop smoking for better lung function and cardiac health.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item
Reflections on Stroke and Recovery - Personal Story
Stroke survivor, Mark Egleston, shares his personal story on Stroke and recovery in hope to shed light on insights and strategies that can impact positive motivation and success.
Media Type
Info SheetLifeCenter Item
What is Fluid Restriction?
Fluid Restriction means that you can only have a certain amount of liquid each day. Sometimes people with certain medical conditions can require changes to their diets that affect the amount of liquids they take in every day. This type of diet change is called a ¡°Fluid Restriction¡±.
Media Type
Info SheetLifeCenter Item
Spinal Cord Injury Complications: Temperature Regulation
Problems with temperature regulation happen in people with cervical and high thoracic spinal cord injuries. Body temperature may
Media Type
Info SheetLifeCenter Item
Listing: Advance Directives forms for health choices - IDHP and POLST
This listing of advance directive resources and considerations is for the family and care providers to assist in decisions and considerations for nearing the end of one's life and their well being, estate, and other management decisions relating to health. Power of Attorney (POA), Living Will, guardianship, and declaration of mental health. POLST forms.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item
Language - Etiquette Guides for Reference
A list of language etiquette resource guides to words, phrases and common courtesies that are most appropriate when talking with or about a person with a disability, and or gender pronoun guides, and using culturally sensitive respect in health literacy.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item
Amputee: Lower Limb Prosthesis Care & Use
Key words: Amputee, lower limb prosthesis
Media Type
Info SheetLifeCenter Item
Listing: Transportation Options in the Chicago Area
This list for transportation options, within the city of Chicago and metropolitan areas, offers a complete line of public accessible trains, special transit buses and specially equipped vans that provide curb-to-curb service for persons unable to use the general public routes. There are additional options for private taxis, medicars, and transportation for medical transport.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item