Construct Validity:
Acquired Brain Injury: (Kuipers et al., 2004; n= 521; diagnoses: TBI, stroke, tumor, infection, others)
- 2-factor solution on multidimensional scaling analysis supported a continuum of productivity vs personal life and independent activity vs dependent involvement.
Discriminant Validity:
Traumatic Brain Injury:
- SPRS demonstrated significant differences between groups defined by high vs low community integration (Winkler et al, 2006)
Convergent validity and discriminant validity:
Traumatic Brain Injury: (Tate et al., 1999; subacute group n=20 assessed for responsiveness of measure (admission and 3 months later or at discharge, whichever came first; long term group n=40 assessed for reliability and validity of measure (close relative was interviewed with the measure, SPRS readministered one month later)
- SPRS total score showed excellent correlation coefficients with all four scales administered: r=-.76 with both Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) and Katz Adjustment Scale (Form R2); r=-0.77 with Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended (GOSE); and r=-.85 with London Handicap Scale.
- No significant correlation was found between the total score and age (r=-.25), although those for PTA and chronicity were statistically significant (r=-.41 and r=-.36, respectively, each P < .05).
- SIP physical domain showed the highest correlation with SPRS living skills subscale (r=-0.58; P < .001) and a low and non-significant correlation with interpersonal relationships subscale (r=-0.23; P >.05).
- SIP-psychosocial domain showed the highest correlation with SPRS interpersonal relationships (r=-0.76;P < .001), and adequate correlation living skills (r=-0.59).
- SIP combined score for work and recreation/pastimes correlated most highly with the SPRS occupational activities domain (r=-0.72; P < .001).
- Construct validity with respect to group differences on the GOS: significant subgroup differences between good recovery versus moderate disability and moderate disability versus severe disability were found for each of the domains.
- No differences were found between the moderate and severe disability subgroups for the interpersonal relationship domain.
- Variability was evident among each of the three SPRS domains, but for every GOS disability level, the greatest amount of change was found for the occupational activities domain.
Traumatic Brain Injury: (Draper et al., 2007; n=53)
- Gender, age, and the GCS score were not significantly correlated with either patients¡¯ or relatives¡¯ SPRS total score.
- The correlation between PTA and SPRS total according to ratings of the person with TBI was not significant (r = ?0.26, P = .057).
- PTA duration (r=?0.39, P = .004) and age (r = ?0.33, P =.019) were significantly correlated with the OA subscale.
HADS Anxiety
HADS Depression
NFI Agression
SPRS (patients)
SPRS (relatives)
HADS Anxiety
HADS Depression
?AUDIT, The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; FSS, Fatigue Severity Scale; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression
Scale; NFI, Neurobehavioral Functioning Inventory; and SPRS, Sydney Psychosocial Reintegration Scale Total.
?Pearson¡¯s correlation is significant at the .001 level (2-tailed).
?Pearson¡¯s correlation is significant at the .01 level (2-tailed).
¡ìPearson¡¯s correlation is significant at the .05 level (2-tailed).
Convergent and Divergent Validity:
Traumatic Brain Injury: (Tate et al., 2011; n=105, mean age=39.7 (16.68), healthy adults; n=510, mean age=35 (sample A) and 33 (sample B), TBI)
SPRS (7-point) r
SPRS-2 (5-point) r
Sickness Impact Profile with SPRS Living Skills
Sickness Impact Profile with SPRS Relationships
Discriminant Validity:
Traumatic Brain Injury: (Tate et al., 2011; n=105, mean age=39.7 (16.68), healthy adults; n=510, mean age=35 (sample A) and 33 (sample B), TBI)
- Those with duration of PTA less than 30 days: higher SPRS-2 scores (mean=32.98 ( 11.22) and mean = 33.27 (9.62) on Forms A and B, respectively) than those with PTA duration between 1 and 3 months (mean= 25.48 (10.55) and mean= 27.05 (11.28), respectively), who in turn had higher SPRS-2 scores than those with PTA greater than 3 months (mean= 14.70 (9.47) and mean= 13.97 (8.80), respectively).
Neurological diagnoses - Primary Brain Tumor (PBT), Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): (Tate et al., 2012; PBT n=54; SCI n=50; TBI n=130)
- Participants with the more severe TBI demonstrated poorer SPRS total and domain scores than those with PTA less than 30 days.
- Within the PBT sample, there were no significant differences in participation related to severity.
- A significant difference was observed between high and low impairment SCI participants on living skills with the high impairment group performing more poorly, but no differences were found for the total or other domain scores.