Undergraduate Students- Anticipatory Examination Stress (Peacock & Wong, 1990)
* (n= 100, 2nd year undergraduate psychology students, 4 weeks prior to final exam)
- Threat: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.75)
- Challenge: Adequate (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.74)
- Centrality: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.90)
- Controllable-by-self: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.87)
- Controllable-by-others: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.84)
- Uncontrollable: Adequate (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.51)
- Stressfulness: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.81)
Undergraduate students- Anticipatory Stress of Contracting AIDS Virus vs. Becoming Unemployed: (Peacock & Wong, 1990)
*(n = 154; AIDS group n= 81, Unemployment Group n= 73; 2nd year undergraduate psychology students)
- Threat: Adequate (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.73)
- Challenge: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.79)
- Centrality: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.85)
- Controllable-by-self: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.86)
- Controllable-by-others: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.84)
- Uncontrollable: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.82)
- Stressfulness: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.75)
Undergraduate Students- Anticipatory Examination Stress: (Peacock and Wong, 1990)
*(n = 144 introductory psychology students, 3 weeks prior to exam)
- Threat: Adequate (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.65)
- Challenge: Adequate (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.66)
- Centrality: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.84)
- Controllable-by-self: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.84)
- Controllable-by-others: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.85)
- Uncontrollable: Adequate (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.57)
- Stressfulness: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.79)
Undergraduate students (Turkish version)- Most Stressful State in Past 4 Weeks (Durak, & Senol-Durak, 2013)
*(n= 461 undergraduates, Mean Age = 20.41, SD = 1.78).
- Threat: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.88)
- Challenge: Adequate (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.62)
- Controllable-by-self: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.77)
- Controllable-by-others: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.88)
- Uncontrollable: Adequate (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.65)
University Students and Adults (Turkish version)- Most Stressful State in Past 4 Weeks (Durak, & Senol-Durak, 2013)
*(n= 751 undergraduates, Mean Age= 20.80, SD= 1.69)
- Threat: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.81)
- Challenge: (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.70)
- Controllable-by-self: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.86)
- Controllable-by-others: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.81)
- Uncontrollable: Adequate (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.74)
*(n= 548 adults, Mean Age= 34.73, SD= 10.75)
- Threat: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.83)
- Challenge: Adequate (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.68)
- Controllable-by-self: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.84)
- Controllable-by-others: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.80)
- Uncontrollable: Adequate (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.74)
Athletes- Appraisal of Competing (Nicholls, Polman, & Levy, 2012)
*(n= 557 athletes, Mean Age= 22.28, SD= 5.72)
- Threat: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.77)
- Challenge: Adequate (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.73)
- Controllable-by-self: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.80)
- Controllable-by-others: Excellent (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.88)
- Uncontrollable: Adequate (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.64)
- Stressfulness: Adequate (Cronbach¡¯s Alpha= 0.68)